Every Move You Make

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Every Move You Make

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THE ONLY WAY TO STOP A STALKER IS TO BECOME ONE YOURSELF… ‘Exceptional! A breathless, chilling one-sitting read with twist after brilliant twist. Clever, original and filled with tension. A story I won’t ever forget.’ Claire Douglas ‘A totally brilliant twist. I absolutely loved it!’ Lisa Jewell ‘Exceedingly clever, tense and satisfying.’ Andrea Mara Keep your friends close and your enemies closer… Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River and Natalie. Five friends who wish they’d never met. Because the one thing they have in common is the worst thing in their lives: they are all being stalked. When one of their group is murdered, days after their stalker is released from prison, time stands still for them all. They know their lives could end just as brutally at any moment – all it takes is for the people they fear the most to catch up with them. When the group receive a threat that one of them will die in ten days’ time, the terror that stalks their daily lives becomes all-consuming. But they know they don’t want to be victims anymore – it’s time to turn the tables and finally get their revenge. Because the only way to stop a stalker is to become one yourself… ?The multimillion bestseller returns with her most propulsive and addictive book yet. A chilling and terrifyingly real thriller that will keep you up all night – and looking over your shoulder for days to come… ?________ REAL READERS LOVE EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE! ‘C.L. Taylor always delivers but this is an exceptional effort. She is a superstar of the genre! Five twisty stars.’ ????? ‘I read this book in less than 48 hours and the writing style and concept makes this a five-star book … you’re in for a treat!’ ????? ‘This gave me actual chills! So perfectly written and captivating. It’s something anyone can relate to … an amazing book.’ ????? ‘I really really really loved this book! It’s been a while since I absolutely devoured a thriller, but this one I just could NOT PUT DOWN. It had absolutely everything I wanted.’ ????? ‘Every Move You Make is an incredibly powerful, tense and mind blowing read. Then there are the twists! And boy are they good, totally unexpected that will have you going back and re-reading to make sure you read them right.’ ????? ?________ YOUR FAVOURITE AUTHORS LOVE EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE! ‘An exceedingly clever, tense, surprising and satisfying rollercoaster of a book.’ Andrea Mara ‘Every Move You Make takes your worst fear about letting the wrong person into your life, multiplies it by four and then hits you round the head with a totally brilliant twist that I for one did not see coming. I absolutely loved it!’ Lisa Jewell ‘C.L. Taylor knocks it out of the park every time. Every Move You Make is a compulsive page-turner you won’t be able to put down.’ Clare Mackintosh ‘I absolutely love C.L. Taylor’s writing.’ Liz Nugent ‘You’ll need your wits about you to track the truth in this terrifying thriller about victims who turn the tables on their stalkers. I read it with my heart in my mouth – exhilarating stuff.’ Louise Candlish ‘Spine-chilling at every turn! One of the best thrillers of the year.’ Jeffery Deaver ‘A tense, twisty thrill-ride of stalking, obsession and revenge.’ TM Logan ‘Expertly crafted, with variety in the stalker storylines, vivid villains and a hard-to-spot twist. But its biggest strength is Taylor’s ability to bring home the horror of being pursued, confronted or harassed online in a way that no victim interview or TV documentary could achieve.’ The Times ‘Taylor ratchets up the tension and paranoia to great effect for a well-engineered, propulsive read.’ The Guardian ‘Intensely told and psychologically compelling…deeply moving and at times terrifying.’ Daily Mail ________ Every Move You Make was a #8 Sunday Times bestseller w/c 04-04-2024 and a #1 Kindle bestseller w/c 07-05-2024

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Articolul Every Move You Make este identificat prin codul: Bkz-96880

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