The Great Reindeer Rescue

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The Great Reindeer Rescue

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A high-energy, brilliantly silly, fully illustrated festive adventure story by much-loved actor Stephen Mangan and talented artist Anita Mangan. Nine- to 12-year-olds will love this funny, fast-paced story  Good Housekeeping Christmas Gift Guide It’s Christmas Eve and one of Santa’s reindeers, Dave, is FED UP. He’s stuck behind boastful Rudolph again and a fart-in-the-face is the LAST STRAW. In the commotion, Santa crash lands on the roof of nine-year-old Holly’s home causing an almighty Christmas lights explosion that blasts the reindeers to far-flung corners of the Earth. It’s up to Dave and Holly to fly round the world to rescue all the reindeers. Can Holly and Dave get all the reindeers back to Santa to SAVE CHRISTMAS?  This funniest festive adventure is a must-read spin on The Night Before Christmas From the bestselling creators of The Fart That Changed the World and The Day I Fell Down the Toilet A laugh out loud celebration of the magic of Christmas    Praise for The Great Christmas Reindeer: Filled with humour […] genuinely funny situations which younger readers will delight in as they root for the story’s hero and heroine as they battle to save Christmas … Wonderfully illustrated by [Stephen’s] sister, Anita, making this a very appealing choice for readers in KS2 … this would also make a wonderful shared bedtime read, with adults enjoying much of the humour too  Jacqui Sydney, book blogger From the very first page, readers will laugh out loud at this off-the-wall tale of Santa’s newest reindeer, Dave, and the trouble he (unintentionally) causes when Rudolph is boastful one too many times … The Great Reindeer Rescue is one hilarious event after another – just the thing for middle grade readers this December! Kate Heap, book blogger Great addition to the family Christmas library. Will be cheerfully read again and again by all three generations Parent review A perfect book for the run to Christmas and my 8 year old is very much enjoying the story so far. Plenty of humour and some lovely illustrations too! Parent review Fun, engaging and full of Christmas spirit Parent review   More Praise for Stephen & Anita’s books: Brilliant, clever, kind of genius Graham Norton   Manages to feel both classic and modern at the same time Good Housekeeping   A beautiful and exciting adventure that ignites the imagination Edith Bowman   Stephen Mangan is a bestselling author, actor and presenter. His comic gift is seen in shows such as Green Wing, I’m Alan Partridge and Episodes. Stephen appears in drama such as BBC One’s The Split and regularly performs on stage in roles such as a much-praised Scrooge in The Old Vic’s A Christmas Carol. Stephen presents Portrait and Landscape Artist of the Year and new gameshows Password and The Fortune Hotel. He is a guest presenter on Pointless and Have I Got News for You. Anita Mangan is a successful illustrator and designer whose remarkable artwork sparks with wit and style. She worked for Comic Relief before becoming a designer and illustrator. Since then, she has worked on award-winning books and the bestselling Be a Unicorn, Sloth, Flamingo… series – as well as illustrating Stephen’s children’s novels. Stephen and Anita have appeared together on Celebrity Gogglebo

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Articolul The Great Reindeer Rescue este identificat prin codul: Bkz-96780

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